Pride Shirt and sticker designs
The Cleveland Institute of Art requested a shirt design for those participating in the Cleveland Pride parade. They were looking for a design that had all the pride colors and represented the student body.

Collaborating with our marketing team, simple shapes and patterns were explored in the brainstorming process. Two ideas were developed, which included all the Pride colors. The first design was a exploration of a color mixing chart, or grid. This idea explored the technique of color swatching and color mixing for our students during initial phases of creation and exploration. The second design is a simplified rainbow, utilizing all the pride colors and the logo.

Additional Pride stickers were requested to hand out during the parade. The sticker design process began with research and curation of elements to develop a fun, energetic layout that represented the excitement Pride month brings to the Cleveland Institute of Art's student body.

The Cleveland Institute of Art moved forward with color swatch pattern for the T-shirt design, and with the lower right sticker design. The Cleveland Institute of Art really loved how the T-shirt design represented the creative process taught to the student, and how the sticker complimented the T-shirt.
The two designs were converted into production files and sent to the printer. The printer applied plastisol inks to a neutral colored cotton material for the T-shirts.
The Stickers were created with a semi-permanent adhesive vinyl, and finished with a customized cut contour process.
The Stickers were created with a semi-permanent adhesive vinyl, and finished with a customized cut contour process.